Update 1: Sunday 15th March 2020
Next Update: Thursday 19th March 2020 or earlier (Shabbos Procedures).
B”H the Shul remains open until further notice. We will communicate any changes. Please note that the following guidelines are subject to change at any time, as we liaise with Health Authorities and Rabbonim. Please assist us in cooperating with these procedures for the health safety of the whole community.
Always follow the advice of your doctor and the Australian Government Department of Health (links provided below).
We recognise that this is a difficult time for everyone and we are doing all that we can to maintain the health and safety of our community. We have endeavoured to be sensitive to the social, emotional and spiritual welfare of our kehilla when we developed the following Shul Procedures.
1. If you are feeling unwell or display any symptoms of a mild cold or flu - please DO NOT come to shul and seek medical advice.
2. If you are healthy please ensure proper hygiene in shul (and everywhere):
• Use alcohol based hand sanitiser.
• Cover your cough or sneeze.
• Dispose of tissues immediately.
• Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
• Act responsibly about social distancing measures, self isolation etc.
3. Please notify the shul immediately if you or immediate family member becomes ill with COVID-19. Point of contact: Miriam Spielman 0401-512-927. (There is nothing to be embarrassed about and you will help us keep everyone else as healthy as possible). 4. If you are returning from overseas or from a community known to have COVID-19, please consider self quarantine from Shul for 14 days to minimise risk for the rest of the community. (Current research shows that 97% of cases develop symptoms up to 11 days later, with the average being 5 days later).
5. Shul seating is now one person per table. Endeavour to stay at least 1m away from others.
6. No congregating after davening. Please come daven and then leave (unless staying to learn).
7. Hand sanitising bays are being installed into the wall and by doors. Please use hand sanitiser before entering the shul. (You may wish to carry your own for personal use).
8. You may wish to bring your own siddur to and from shul or to use a siddur app on your phone.
9. We are switching to our plastic chairs for ease of wiping down.
10. We are seeking volunteers to help wipe down tables, chairs, door handles, mezuzos etc between use. Please contact: Yehuda Spielman 0402-923-248 or Benny Amzalak 0411-688-844 if you can help. 11. The kitchen will be closed and off limits. No food, drink or coffee facilities will be available until further notice. (You may wish to bring your own water bottle with you).
12. If you are aware of families in isolation we encourage the community to reach out to each-other. Pick up the phone, send a text/ email or make a video call.
13. If you are experiencing hardship due to quarantine (emotional stress, financial stress, food or resources help etc) the shul contact is: Miriam Spielman 0401-512-927. We will endeavour to do what we can to help you or to refer onwards. 14. The shul is continuing to monitor and plan ahead for the social and spiritual needs of the TT community during this time, including planning live streaming and recorded video shiurim, farbrengens etc if community quarantine becomes necessary.
Links to Australian Govt Dept of Health to learn more about COVID-19: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov https://www.facebook.com/healthgovau/ https://twitter.com/healthgovau Thank you for your cooperation. Best wishes for a gezunte week, The Board and Management of Tzemach Tzedek.