We hope that everyone is safe, keeping well and staying at home wherever possible. We are currently living in a period of change and uncertainty. This impacts all of us in different ways and can be quite unsettling for people. The Rabbi, Rebbetzin, Board and Management of Tzemach Tzedek wish to remind and reassure you that we are here for you in any way that we can help.
✿ We encourage people to reach out to one another. Phone or text a friend or that person you haven't heard from in a while. Tip: share a bit about yourself if appropriate, but most importantly, let them talk about themselves, they may be really needing to talk to a friend. And of course remember that your friend is trusting you, so remain confidential. Be helpful, be calming and talk positively. ✿
Tzemach Tzedek has several working groups that are continuously planning, assessing and implementing services and assistance to our community during this challenging time. Information below.
TT UPDATES CAN NOW BE FOUND HERE, IN ONE LOCATION All of our current and previous Updates can now be found here at ttcc.info/updates and click on the update you wish to review.
**Important: Funds are being distributed this week! We want to assist as many of our TT families as we can and it is easy to apply. Please fill in the confidential online form by this Sunday. https://www.ttsydney.info/fund
We are also appealing to those who can help financially with this Maos Chittim initiative to contribute to this worthy project. A big thank you to our donors.
BSB: 012-235
A/C Number: 4747-94252
The TT Community Centre and the TT Benevolent Fund have two different management committees.
The Tzemach Tzedek Board remains the same: President - Rabbi Spielman, Vice President - Miriam Spielman, Treasurer - Eli Chaiton, Secretary - Sreuvi Lazarus, Member - Mendy Amzalak. The Tzemach Tzedek Benevolent Fund management committee: President - Mendy Amzalak, Vice President - Eli Herbst, Treasurer - Eli Chaiton, Members - Narelle Lederman, Chanie Amzalak, Rabbi Spielman, Miriam Spielman.
CARE CALLS Some of you will have already received Care Calls from our team of volunteers. We are aiming to phone everyone in our community at least once a week to reach out and say hi.
We are looking for men and women volunteers to make up to 5 short calls a day (or any combination of days that suits you). Please contact Miriam or Yehuda Spielman if you can volunteer. Big thank you to Michelle Brenner who has been working hard to schedule the calls timetable for us. And big thank you to our generous phone-call volunteers!
Also, you don't need to be a volunteer to make calls. Please take your own initiative to phone your friends regularly. If you need their numbers please reach out to us and we will be glad to assist.
We have compiled a page full of educational and entertaining resources for kids to keep them occupied between online classes and beyond. Please check this page regularly as we keep adding resources. Please visit ttcc.info/updates and navigate to the Resources page to view.
LIVE SEMINAR COMING: PARENTING AND YOUR KIDS AT HOME DURING COVID-19 An initiative between Tzemach Tzedek and the Jewish House. Iy'H we will be hosting a panel of psychologists and parenting experts who will be taking your questions and discussing the issues that are most important to you!! Please text your parenting questions by this Sunday evening for an opportunity to hear advice from the experts. Text Miriam Spielman on 0401 512 927. All questions will remain anonymous.
To listen to Rabbi Perlow's 10 Minute Pre Shabbos Story please check your email or whatsapp message from today from Benny Amzalak.
There will be an online Rosh Chodesh farbrengen for ladies this motzai shabbos 9pm, hosted by Nshei Ubnos Chabad Melbourne. "A Time for Chizuk and Virtual Interaction for women of all ages".
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/814228630, Meeting ID: 814 228 630
Or dial by your location 03 7018 2005 or 02 8015 6011 Meeting ID: 814 228 630
We are currently working to add links to shiurim and farbrengens to our Resources page. Please check back next week.
The Jewish House is offering members of our community a free 10 min psychologist support phone session if you're feeling a bit out of your depth or need some emotional guidance. Please phone 9386 0770 and tell the receptionist that you'd like to access the "10 min psychologist support".
For those who feel they might need something more formal and ongoing you can phone the same number and ask to access a psychologist who is bulk-billing (there are psychologists volunteering through the Jewish House COVID-19 phone-counselling program who are bulk billing. You may need a referral from your GP).
Coming soon. More initiatives by the Jewish House to look out for: Kids portal including coding classes, School Holidays Kids Online Program, Online group for coping with anxiety, Food Packages and more...
Jewish House is currently looking for volunteers, especially IT, counsellors etc, If you can help, please call reception to register your interest.
New Laws in relation to COVID-19
Please keep yourself informed on the latest government laws. They are changing regularly with the situation. In the meantime here is a link to the latest laws:
There are also new laws relating to people returning from overseas just announced today. Please stay informed.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us on the TT Board and Management.
Wishing everyone a gut shabbos!! Thinking of you all. We will all be together in spirit be"H.